
Showing posts from June, 2013

What strange creatures brothers are!

As much as I hate to admit it, I am glad my first teddy bear was not bought from any store but I inherited it from the person who I remember being the first one to pull my cheeks. Even I have an old photograph showing him pulling my cheeks with the sole objective of teasing and irritating me. And the teddy bear still remains a prized possession maybe that is the reason why while donating my old toys I did not part with it though it is now physically a bit handicapped. I am glad I am not an only child but having an elder brother like him sometimes confuses me “Am I adopted?” He being a perfectionist and I being just the opposite.  I grew up aping him in every possible way. I cannot even draw a straight line without a ruler and yet I took part in painting and drawing competitions only because he is a great painter. Someway or the other I tried my best to be like him. If he drew or painted something I would try my best to copy it. It would never be like the original one. If it